Plant dieting refers to focusing on the uptake of foods originating from plants as opposed to foods that come from animals. This covers vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds, and all plant-based products. In recent studies, it has also been proven that consuming lots of plant-based diet benefits our health. Here are ten ways that a plant-based diet has been shown to have positive effects on the body and mind.

    Heart Diseases Reduce

    Several clinical trials have shown that the intake of plant-based foods lowers one’s chances of developing heart disease. In particular, one large-scale study focused on the results of the observation of the fate of 70 thousand individuals for 7 years or more. In this study, vegetarians were identified to be having 32% reduced chances of suffering from heart disease compared to non-vegetarians. Meat and other animal products contain high levels of saturated fat, which not only increases cholesterol but also promotes the formation of fatty deposits in the arteries.

    2. Lower Blood Pressure Levels

    In several researches, it has been identified that plant-based diets contribute to reduced blood pressure. This is mainly because hypertension is a leading cause of heart attacks, strokes, and chronic kidney diseases. Fiber and potassium as found in natural foods such as plants can influence in reducing blood pressure.

    3. Reducing The Number Of Daily Servings of Sugary

    People who take little animal products seem to have lower BMI and body weight thus reducing the chances of type 2 diabetes. Nevertheless, even when comparing overweight vegans with non-vegans who are equally overweight, plant-based diets are more beneficial in reducing the development of type 2 diabetes. Certain foods can help reduce the risk of cancer, these include fruit, vegetables whole grains, nuts, and legumes.

    4. Lower Cancer Risk

    There are indications that a diet that involves a high intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans will help to minimize the risks of contracting cancer. The above research shows that individuals who take vegetable products have a lower likelihood of contracting diseases such as colon cancer and prostate cancer. It also highlighted that some fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in plant foods could be cancer-preventing substances.

    5. Healthy Body Weight

    Research also indicates that vegetarians and vegans are leaner than their omnivorous counterparts though they are healthier than the latter. One of the reasons why it is prudent to adhere to a plant-based diet is that it has benefits for those who wish to be at their ideal weight. It is different from other diets, where you are restricted from food groups such as grains, plant-based diets let you consume as many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and beans as you want.

    6. Longer Life Expectancy

    Some of the research has indicated that the life expectancy of vegetarian and vegan individuals is longer than that of non-vegetarians. Anyway, according to one research conducted, vegetarians had 3.6 years longer lifespan than people who consumed meat. The lower BMI with the plant-based diet, the lower blood pressure, and reduced incidences of heart disease may increase the lifespan.

    7. Improved Kidney Function

    Scientists also found that a plant-based diet is effective in boosting kidney health and protecting against chronic kidney disease. This may be because plant-based diets are normally lower in saturated fat and sodium and also because high-protein diets can put a lot of pressure on the kidneys. Some of these plant foods also possess antioxidants and other protective substances.

    8. Reduce Inflammation

    Processed foods increase inflammation and it is recommended that one should incorporate more plant foods including vegetables, fruits, and whole grains in their diet. Inflammation has been associated with joint pain, lung issues, fatigue, and even some forms of cancer and heart disease. It is also important to note that some of the plant foods, due to their content of bioactive substances which are deemed to decrease inflammation, contain compounds that may reduce inflammation.

    9. Environmental Sustainability

    The most accurate statement I can make about animal agriculture is that it has a very high level of environmental intensity. It leads to the loss of forests, pollutes water resources, produces greenhouse gases, and many others. Aim at taking plant foods instead of meat, dairy, and egg since it has the added advantage of being an environmentally-friendly diet.

    We often hear that if we continue like this, the world will be unlivable, but it will be more accurate to say that if we continue like this, life on the planet will become unbearable: the climate will change dramatically, ocean levels will rise, and the food sector alone will have contributed 32 billion tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, if not for the fact that it would be impossible to produce so much meat and dairy anyway.

    10. Ethical Reasons

    Eco-tourism is on the rise and more people are becoming conscious about animal rights and therefore opt for plant-based diets. A study conducted by PETA reveals that about 95 percent of cruelty to animals and slaughter is a result of the meat industry. Others believe that the consumption of animal products is a form of violence against animals and is unnecessary since it involves the killing of animals. Healthy Eating vegetables as a type of diet is ethical because it does not affect animals.


    Vegetable, fruit, whole grain, bean, legume, nuts, and seeds-based diets are rich in non-nutrient antioxidants and other plant-based diet benefits. However, as viewed from the available evidence, vegan and vegetarian diets are associated with reduced risks of several chronic diseases and increased life expectancy. Plant foods are also healthier and have positive impacts on the environment as they do not involve the use of animals in inhumane ways. One can achieve great results for his or her body by including more plant products and less of animal products in the diet.


    Livia Trent is a distinguished author with expertise in home, health, fashion, business, and food. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from Emerson College and a Master's in Business Administration from Bentley University. Livia's diverse educational background and extensive writing experience allow her to offer well-rounded, practical advice and the latest trends to help her readers achieve a balanced and successful lifestyle. Through her engaging articles, she aims to inspire and educate, providing valuable insights for personal and professional growth.

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