A healthy diet is a diet that supplies the human body with energy and nutrients necessary for normal activity. These include macro-nutrients which are in large proportions such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, and micro-nutrients which are in small proportions but are vital such as vitamins and minerals.

    In this post, we will try to analyze some of the sample balanced diet meal plans that will help you include all the food groups besides helping you achieve a balanced nutrient intake. No matter whether you are into weight loss, or muscle building or are just out to lead a healthy life, these balanced diets will be of great help in planning your meals.

    What should be considered as a Balanced Diet?

    This food pyramid contains all categories of foods and is divided into five groups namely fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and dairy products. In doing this, it is important to consume portions of several foods from each group without overindulgence. Here’s a quick overview of what constitutes a balanced diet:

    Fruits and Vegetables

    Good source of vitamin minerals and dietary fiber, and contains phytochemicals. The intake should be between five and nine servings of vegetables and fruits daily. This includes fresh products that are harvested at the peak of ripeness, frozen fruits and vegetables, canned produce, and dried fruits and vegetables. Choose different colors of fruits and vegetables because it will make the diet more interesting and appealing.


    Select whole grain foods including oats, brown rice, whole grain pasta, and breads ahead of their refined grain counterparts. Whole grain foods contain more nutrients as well as dietary fiber than refined carbohydrate foods. Aim for 6 one-ounce servings of this food daily.

    Lean Protein is a protein that is packed with nutrients and is important in the development of muscles and tissues. Minimize your consumption of red meat and instead opt for fish, poultry, eggs, beans, lentils, unsalted nuts, and seeds. The recommended daily serving size is 5-7 ounces of lean meat or an equivalent serving of other proteins.

    Dairy foods are a good source of calcium and vitamin D for the maintenance of bone health so you can take low-fat or non-fat products like milk, yogurt, and cheese. Recommendations have been made that an adequate intake should be about 3 cups or more per day.

    Healthy Fats

    Essential for maintaining good health in several areas, including vitamin absorption, nerve signaling, the immune system, and more. Oléineous plant products such as extra virgin olive oil in moderation, avocados, and unsalted nuts and seeds. The daily intake of fats should not be less than 20% and not more than 35% of the total calories consumed by an individual.

    A balanced diet also means the correct amount to be consumed, restricted intake of unhealthy foods, and correct calorie intake for health or fitness goals. Another must-do is the proper intake of water; drinking water throughout the day is also very essential.

    Examples of Balanced Diet Meals

    Here are three simple balanced diet plans to provide 2000 calories to meet the needs of average adults:


    • Omelette with veggies – 2 eggs, 1 cup spinach, 1/2 cup mushrooms, 1/2 cup diced tomatoes, 1 oz low-fat cheese.
    • 1 small baked potato with 2 tbsp low-fat plain yogurt.
    • Simultaneously, pour one cup of skim milk into a bowl.


    • Tuna salad sandwich – can of tuna in water drained, two slices of whole grain bread, lettuce, and 1 tbsp of mayonnaise.
    • Aldi’s vegetable soup cup containing 1 cup.

    The next item is the fruit cup and this is what has to be prepared:


    • Curry – 4 oz of the skinless, boneless chicken breast, 1 cup of the mixed stir fry vegetables (peppers, onions, and broccoli), 1 tablespoon of oil, 2 tablespoons of teriyaki sauce.
    • To the above ingredients, add the following: 1 cup brown rice
    • The recipes contain the following ingredients: 1 cup low-fat yogurt.


    • There were mixed unsalted nuts, getting 1 oz portion.
    • 1 string cheese
    • This vegetarian balanced diet plan includes a wide variety of foods and nutrients that ensure the body gets all the necessary nutrients and vitamins it requires.

    A lacto-ovo vegetarian diet can be very nutritious and the above plan can provide all the nutrients without having to consume any meat. It has many plant protein sources from beans, lentils, and nuts.

    Tips For Success

    The process of preparing a diet plan with the view of maintaining balanced nutrition and making it part of your everyday life requires dedication and preparation. Here are some tips for success:

    • Practice the healthy plate – divide your plate into halves filled with fruits and non-starchy vegetables, one quarter for lean meats and fish, and the last quarter for whole grain foods and starches.
    • They also recommended that people should pay attention to the portions they take and should not take a lot of calories.
    • There is another way and it is to have breakfast every day so that you will not gain more weight by eating more at the next meal.
    • Eat at home preparing fresh balanced meals from scratch to avoid processed food and empty calories.
    • Substitute such things as, using whole grains instead of refined grains, plant oils instead of butter, lean meats instead of high-fat meats, etc.
    • It is essential to reduce high energy-density foods such as sweets and fried foods that offer little nutrients to the body.
    • This only shows that one has to stay accountable by keeping track of what they eat by keeping a food journal. Some of the food tracking apps include: This makes tracking easy through apps.
    • Consume water, herbal tea, and low-fat milk, and avoid taking high sugar content products like soda and juices.


    Routinely preparing and eating healthy Balanced Diet Meal Plans based on your personal dietary needs, health, and fitness goals is essential. Incorporate small but realistic modifications on the current diet for improvement that will involve increasing the healthy food groups and nutrients. So, it will become easier with time to stick to a particular pattern of eating thus ensuring long-term results without continuous dieting.


    Livia Trent is a distinguished author with expertise in home, health, fashion, business, and food. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from Emerson College and a Master's in Business Administration from Bentley University. Livia's diverse educational background and extensive writing experience allow her to offer well-rounded, practical advice and the latest trends to help her readers achieve a balanced and successful lifestyle. Through her engaging articles, she aims to inspire and educate, providing valuable insights for personal and professional growth.

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