Author: The Post City

In a recent spur of developments, we witnessed that two major news regarding nomination by the states/regions were announced. Keeping in view the current high cut off trends as witnessed in the recent skill select draws and the ever increasing pool size of skilled professionals wanting to immigrate and settle in Australia, these two news highlights from major nominations by the regions has come as a fresh blow of air and a sigh of relief for many onshore and offshore prospective applicants. The RDA Riverina of New South Wales (Regional Development Area) had just announced that it has started to…

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Since the beginning of this year, we have witnessed a rather dynamic trend as well as a surge in the number of immigration programs that have dwelled out by the Department of Home Affairs. The New South Wales has also introduced certain updates and changes to their highly famed Skill Regional nominated visa scheme (sub – class 190) for the year 2019 and 2020. The New South Wales has announced it as a “Good news for Chefs, cooks and motor mechanics” as there has been an increased surge in the trade occupations pertaining to these fields in particular. However it…

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The Skill Select draw results have been released by the Department of Home Affairs for the month of July. The invitation rounds were held for the Skilled Independent visa (sub – class 189) and Skilled Regional visa (sub – class 489). The DOHA conducts the Skill Select rounds of invitations each month in order to invite the most skilled, in demand professionals to Australia. These potential migrants are invited based on their skills, education, English language skills and age. The invitation rounds are expected on the 11th of each month but dates are subject to change. The number of invites in…

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Working and settling down ultimately in Australia can surely be regarded as the dream come true for countless of international students, temporary workers and others who are striving to make it big! Well, if you surely are such soul who is either studying in Australia, working on a temporary graduate visa or a temporary worker who has been employed by the sponsor on TSS visa, then we at Vision Consultants are there to assist you in realizing your dream! Keeping in view the current sky rocketing trends in skill select draw cut offs and especially those for accountants, let us…

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Australia, being the favorite destination for international students and temporary workers alike, has been the dream destination for many to settle there in. However, the ongoing increased high cut off scores in the recent skill select draws has made it quite difficult for aspirants to fulfil their wish of getting an invite. So if you are such aspirant who is either wanting to come to Australia or already studying/working in Australia on student visa or temporary graduate visa, we have got you covered in providing ways by which you can find a pathway to settle here permanently. In a good…

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Keeping in view the current sky rocketing trends in the recent cut-off scores of the skill select rounds, the international workers and temporary workers residing in Australia for the hopes of permanently settling in Australia, had found a silver lining in the visa 489 and 190. As of now, in a bid by the government to promote the skilled population to the regional areas, two visa categories are in force namely the Skilled Regional Visas and the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme which has now also been regarded as TSS visa. The first one is for skilled migrants who are nominated…

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The Australian Temporary Skills Shortage or as it is known by its acronym, TSS visa is a sub-class 482 visa that has seen an immense spurt in its demand in the recent years. The demand for the temporary skills shortage is such so that its ceiling capacity fulfilled its authorized quota for the year over the period of one year. This is because the TSS visa allows Australian employers to sponsor international professional and skilled workers to work in Australia for a period of short term or long term. This visa thus allows international workers to stay in Australia and…

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As witnessed in the last few months that the recent trends in Australian immigration show a reflecting trend towards the government’s effort to pursue the regional immigration, populate and ultimately grow the regional Australia’s economy and also put much emphasis on international students. Australian MP in his most recent statement has also issued that ‘more skilled, the better’. The immigration minister’s statement comes at a time when we have witnessed growing trends in a bid by the Immigration minister to increase the regional Australia. He also mentioned that international students having an edge in the Australian economy might integrate in…

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Australia, or as it is referred to as the Australian dream for countless migrants and international students alike, offers not only the above but also an environment where a person can hone their talent, live in a society where there is equality, freedom and potential to grow yourself as a person and as a professional. Australia is home to some of the world class and most sought after places in the world. Besides that, many of the Australian cities are regularly included in the most livable cities of the world, with Melbourne and Sydney topping the lists for their quality…

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Are you currently applying for an Australian study, visit or temporary work visa or your current visa application has been rejected due to some unfortunate circumstances? Well then there can be a myriad of reasons that can play their part which can also cause your visa application to be rejected. Keeping in view the current trends, the Australian Department of Home Affairs is showing strong vigilance and scrutiny while processing visa application and any application that may be found incomplete or misconducting shall be blacklisted. It should also be noted that for visa assistance, including information and lodging of the…

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